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  • How do I renew my license key?
    In Outlook, under the Court Assist ribbon go to SETTINGS then click RENEW LICENSE KEY complete the online application form press SUBMIT to generate the invoice. Make payment to the banking details indicated on the invoice. Please then email your proof of payment to We will renew your license key as soon as your payment reflects in our bank account. Please note it may take up to three business days for your payment to reflect on our account. Please set up recurring payments on your bank account for an annual subscription paid monthly. We do not collect automated payments from your account to keep the costs as low as possible and for your privacy.
  • Subscription plans
    You can select either an annual subscription, paid annually or a annual subscription paid monthly.
  • What is the notice period to terminate my subscription?
    We require one calendar month notice. Depending on your subscription, we charge a cancellation fee for a remainder of the term.
  • I did not get my free Court Assist download?
    Please check your junk or spam folder for the installation link.
  • What must I select to "Keep file"?
    If you receive a message that reads "Keep File? Even if you have downloaded from this site before, the site may be temporarily unsafe (hacked). Try downloaded this file later, the anti-virus software on your computer may be interfering with the download. Click Keep anyway to continue with the download.
  • How to add the to-do-task bar to the Outlook Calendar
    Open the Calendar in Outlook Click View Click To do Bar Select Tasks
  • How to add the to-do-task bar to your Outlook emails
    Open Outlook On the emails screen Click View Click To do Bar Select Tasks
  • How to create Outlook categories for enrolment and hearing dates?
    Go to Outlook On the Court Assist ribbon select Settings At Other Options, select Create outlook categories for hearing dates Select Yes
  • How do I prefix my CaseLines case?
    Go to your case on CaseLines Click Update Case Click Case Home Under Change case details, add the case prefix at the front of the case name
  • CaseLines Court Assist Installation guide
    Click COURT ASSIST Click on SETTINGS. Type your CaseLines password and click LOGIN Under Hearing Date Settings, untag Sync Manually and set the sync duration Click APPLY Click SYNC NOW to start a sync between CaseLines and Outlook. You can then create Outlook Categories for your hearing dates. To do this go to the CaseLines Sync ribbon Click Settings Under Other Options, select Create Outlook categories for hearing dates Click Yes
  • How do I create task for a provisional hearing date application on CaseLines?
    APPLY FOR A PROVISIONAL HEARING DATE / DEFAULT (RULE 31(5)) (use this function if you want to know what tasks you must complete to apply for a provisional hearing date. You can also use this for default judgment applications to the Registrar) In your OUTLOOK CALENDAR Home page, click NEW APPOINTMENT Click NEW APPLICATION Select the case from the dropdown list or search for the case under Search Cases: Click APPLY Click SAVE/CLOSE Click COURT ASSIST
  • How do I update my Court Assist software?
    Click COURT ASSIST Click UPDATE NOW Follow the screen prompts to update.
  • What is the prescribed date application form?
    Click here for a copy of the prescribed date application form for use in Gauteng Division, Pretoria and the Gauteng Local Division, Johannesburg
  • What is a CaseLines Directive compliance declaration or affidavit?
    In terms paragraph 6 of the Revised 18 September 2020 Consolidated Directive dated 11 June 2021: “6. Prior to the enrolment of any matter or the allocation of a hearing date, the litigating party or its representative is to upload a Directive Compliance declaration OR certificate. The declaration or certificate must state “I, (name of attorney) hereby certify that I am in compliance with this Consolidated Directive in that I have done the following:…” and must set out exactly what (and how) the attorney complied with; including to confirm that no duplicate file for the matter exists on CaseLines and that all the Parties/their representatives have been invited to the matter on CaseLines. The names of all Parties/their representatives and their telephone numbers and email addresses should reflect on the declaration. Where no statement/declaration is filed, the Registrar cannot allocate a hearing date. Click here for a draft affidavit
  • Where can I find a copy of the CaseLines Default Judgment Checklist for the Gauteng Division?
    Click here to download a word copy of the prescribed default judgment checklist for the Gauteng Division of the High Court.
  • List of prefix examples
    In terms of paragraph 7.3 of the Revised Consolidated directive 18 September 2021 the Applicant’s legal representative must enter a prefix for the case type before the case name. When the case or application type changes, the prefix must be amended accordingly. Where applicable, the classification in terms of revised Practice Directive 1 of 2021 should be included in the prefix.Practice Directive 1 of 2021 should be included in the prefix. 7.3.1 Examples of proper prefixing of cases: Unopposed Motion (Rule 43 Application) Venter S vs Venter E Unopposed Motion (Summary Judgment) Killian L vs Pillay R Unopposed Motion (Rule 31(2)) Body Corporate of Hunt Estates vs Fisher A Unopposed Motion (Interlocutory Application) Venter S vs Venter E Unopposed Motion (Divorce Application) Venter S vs Venter E Unopposed Motion (Rule Nisi) XYZ Cc vs ABC Pty Ltd Opposed Motion (Eviction Application) City of Ekurhuleni vs City of Johannesburg Opposed Motion (Rule 43 Application) Mdluli P vs Mdluli G Opposed Motion (Interlocutory Application) Essex L vs Esquires Sport Pty (Ltd) JCMC (F category) Van Lill R vs Van Lill F JCMC (Y category) Kunene X vs MEC of Health, Gauteng JCMC (C category) Filter Coffee South Africa vs Krispy Kreme Civil Trial (Y category) Dlamini M vs PRASA Civil Trial (D category) Tsamai S vs Nkosi D Civil Trial (F category) Rosenberg Z vs Rossenberg J Civil Trial (C category) Filter Coffee South Africa vs Starbucks Civil Trial (P category) Essa K vs Minister of Home Affairs Trial Interlocutory (Compel compliance) Zakatha T vs RAF Settlements Court (Y category) Pillay V vs RAF Default Judgment (Rule 31(5)) SA Taxi vs Burger J *This list is not exhaustive
  • Why does my CaseLines hearing date not have Outlook Calendar tasks associated with it?
    To create the Tasks, the case details must meet following requirements: The Courthouse field in CaseLines must be filled in. Please take care to spell the Courthouse name correct e.g. Pretoria High Court or Johannesburg High Court. The Case Name field in CaseLines must be formatted as shown below: Note: Leave a space between the Category and the sub-category. The sub-category must be surrounded by open and close brackets. Category (Sub-Category) Case Name for example Unopposed Motion (Divorce Application) BAT MAN / BAT WOMAN Civil Trial (C category) ABC STORES CC VS DUCK PONDS CC AND 3 OTHERS Trial Interlocutory (Compel compliance) UNIVERSAL STUDIOS COMPANY LIMITED / CAPTAIN MARVEL UNOPPOSED RULE 31(2): STANDARD BANK VS CLEMENT SHOES CC UNOPPOSED DEFAULT JUDGEMENT: STANDARD BANK OF SOUTH AFRICA LTD VS THE AVENGERS Unopposed Motion (Declarator) HISSOCKS NOSHOES vs HERSOCKS NOSHOES Unopposed Motion (Divorce Application) BAT MAN / BAT WOMAN Unopposed Motion (Other) Albert Reeves vs The Protector of Gotham City and 1 Other Further see the list of prefix examples below Click Unallocated Tasks on the Ribbon to identify Cases where no tasks have been created. Each Hearing Date has a direct link to the case on CaseLines for you to review.
  • Why does my CaseLines default judgment hearing date not have any Outlook Calendar tasks associated with it?
    To create the Tasks, the case details must meet the following requirements: The Courthouse field in CaseLines must be filled in. Please take care to spell the Courthouse name correctly e.g. Pretoria High Court or Johannesburg High Court. The case prefix must NOT reference Rule 31(5). A rule 31(5) is an application to the registrar that does not have a hearing date associated with it. If the Registrar refers the application to open court, the case prefix should change to either one of the following examples UNOPPOSED MOTION (DEFAULT JUDGEMENT APPLICATION) UNOPPOSED RULE 31(2): STANDARD BANK VS CLEMENT SHOES CC UNOPPOSED DEFAULT JUDGEMENT: STANDARD BANK OF SOUTH AFRICA LTD VS THE AVENGERS Note: Leave a space between the Category and the sub-category. The sub-category must be surrounded by open and close brackets.
  • How do I manage multiple hearing dates with different case categories associated with each hearing date on the same matter?
    When the Registrar adds a hearing date to Caselines, Hearing Date sync uses that case prefix to determine the case category. For example, when you’ve applied for a trial date, the software uses the prefix “civil trial (d category) to add tasks and reminders to your outlook calendar. If you, for example, further apply for a date on the Interlocutory trial roll, you must change the case prefix to “trial interlocutory (compel compliance)”. Once the second hearing date is allocated, the software will change the tasks and reminders of your first hearing date to those associated with the category of your second hearing date. To keep the original tasks and reminders to those associated with the first hearing date category, you must override the second Caselines case category. To do this Open the hearing date in your calendar Click Category override on the Outlook ribbon Select the case category associated with the allocated hearing date from the dropdown list Click apply. Hearing date sync will then update the tasks and reminders to those associated with the category that you’ve selected.
  • How do I register for CaseLines?
    Go to the OCJ digital case portal ( Click on Register Fill in all the fields / questions Scroll down and P (tag) the boxes for "I have read and agree to be bound by the terms and conditions above" and "I consent to you providing me with business and marketing information”. Click Register
  • How do I Logon to CaseLines?
    Go to the OCJ digital case portal ( Click on Log On Enter your username and password (i.e. the details that you've used to REGISTER above) Click in the box before "Remember me next time" to P (tag) the box. Click Log On
  • How do I view my cases on CaseLines?
    Once you've logged on to the portal, the software opens on your case list screen. To see the full-screen content, use the arrows on your screen's right-hand side to scroll up or down. The software does not sort the cases in any specific order. You can filter the cases by either * Limiting the number of cases displayed on a page * By hearing date, or by * Text information: this can be a portion of the case name or the case number (discard the year).
  • How do I create a case on CaseLines?
    If a case does not exist on CaseLines already, you must create the Case on the portal. To do so, you must have the necessary PERMISSION / AUTHORITY to create cases. * Click on Create Case (you will not see this button if your profile is not authorized to create cases). * Click on the dropdown arrow next to Use Template to select the correct template * Select "Court User Group Template – Johannesburg High Court” for a Johannesburg court matter and "Court User Group Template – Pretoria High Court” for a Pretoria court matter * Type the case name under Name using the following format Classification Prefix: Plaintiff Surname, Plaintiff First Names vs Defendant Surname, Defendant First Names + number of others * Go to Reference. Type the case number in the following format yyyy/number without a leading zero i.e. 2021/21 or 2019/15389. See: Directive 7.1 of the Amended Gauteng Consolidated Directive dated 18 September 2020. Use the case number allocated by the Registrar for existing cases. * Where the Registrar has not allocated a case number yet, use PTA000 – for Pretoria High Court matters and JHB000 – for Johannesburg High Court matters See: Directive 148 of the Amended Gauteng Consolidated Directive dated 18 September 2020 PLEASE NOTE: "Reference" is the case number allocated by the Registrar – it is not your office file reference name or number – CaseLines does not make any provision for the capturing of your office file reference on the system. * Click on Get from Template * Use the arrows to scroll down to the bottom of the page * Click on Create Be patient - it takes a few seconds for the software to create the Case, generate the front page, and invite all the court officials to the Case Alternatively, create the matter from MSOutlook using the DPMailX add-in
  • How do I change the case name / prefix?
    * Go to View Case List * Use the arrows to scroll down to the relevant case * Click Update Case * Click Change Case Details * Go to Name, delete the existing prefix before the case name, type the new prefix, use the arrows to scroll down to the bottom of the case details * Click Save to save the changes (Use the same method to fix a spelling error in the name / change the Reference /case number)
  • How do I invite participants (other parties) to the case?
    * Go to View Case List * Use the arrows to scroll down to the relevant case * Click Update Case * Click People (use the arrows to scroll down to determine if a party is already invited or not) * Click Invite New Participant * Enter the participant's email address next to Person’s email * Select the Role from the dropdown list * Use the arrows to scroll down to make sure all the relevant permissions/authorities are tagged ( If not: click on the block to select / tag) * Click Invite
  • What do I do if my opponent (the other party) did not receive the invite to CaseLines?
    If a person says they did not receive an invite * Go to People and search all the participants (use the arrows to scroll up or down) to see if the email address is correct * Alternatively, scroll to the bottom to see Open Invitations * If the invitation is still open, click Invite again
  • What do I do if the parties does not have the correct permissions / authorities on a case?
    * Go to People and search all the participants (use the arrows to scroll up or down) * Alternatively, scroll to the bottom to see Open Invitations * Click on Update Case next to the person’s name (if you cannot see this button your profile does not have permission to perform this step. Contact the person that created the case to update your profile permissions) * Tagg (select) all the relevant permissions * Click Save
  • How do I create a section on CaseLines?
    * Go to View Case List * Use the arrows to scroll down to the relevant case * Click Update Case * Click Section * Click Create New Section
  • How do I make changes to all the sections, or change the sequence of the sections on CaseLines?
    * Click Section * Click Update All Sections * Change the section name or number or document description * Click Update or Update All (to save all changes) BE VERY CAREFUL BEFORE YOU REMOVE A SECTION. * You cannot UNDO on CaseLines * You cannot RESTORE on CaseLines * If you removed documents or sections, you would need to re-upload or re-create * If you remove a section, it will also remove all the documents in the section.
  • How do I upload documents to CaseLines?
    * Click Section * Click Upload Documents next to the relevant section * Drag and drop the files into the space provided * Click minus to remove * Click Add Files to add more files * Click Start Upload Alternatively, you can upload your documents using MSOutlook and the DPMailX add-in
  • What are the CaseLines document upload general rules?
    * NO PASSWORDS * Reader-friendly * Upload documents as individual document * Suitably sectioned, ordered, and chronological * Legible copies * Correct rotation (upright) * Single documents / annexures * No duplicates * Once uploaded – you may not remove a document * No splitting long documents between sections * No late insertions (no after-cut-off date uploads) You can use the DPMailX MSOutlook add-in to remove passwords, rotate documents, split e-mails trails, and remove disclaimer and confidentiality notices before you upload your documents to CaseLines.
  • How do I view documents on CaseLines?
    * Click Section * Click View Documents next to the relevant section to view all the documents of the section * Click View next to a document to view a single document
  • How do I change the document description?
    * Click Section * Click Update all documents next to the relevant section You can now: * change the sequence/document order * change the document description and add the document upload date * change the document date * in/exclude the document from view on the Review screen * view a copy of the document * move the document to another section * download a pdf copy of the document * remove the document
  • What are the document description general rules?
    * Describe fully * Describe annexures in detail * For case law: Identify the case name fully * Heads must reference the CaseLines page and paragraph number * Include the date of upload "Document name_18 September 2020" See: Directive 7.6 Amended Gauteng consolidated directive dated 18 September 2020
  • How do I move a document to another section?
    * Click Section * Click Update all documents next to the relevant section * Click Move next to the relevant document * Click on the dropdown arrow to select the new section * Click on the section to select the section * Click Move
  • How do I change the date of a document?
    * Click Section * Click Update all documents next to the relevant section * Type the new date under Document Date * Wait for the changes to update
  • How do I exclude a document from view on CaseLines?
    * Click Section * Click Update All Documents * Uncheck the Included: box next to the relevant document to exclude the document from the bundle view
  • How do I download a document copy from CaseLines?
    * Click Section * Click Update all documents next to the relevant section * Click on Pdf
  • How do I change the CaseLines document bundle sequence?
    * Click Section * Click Update all documents next to the relevant section * Under document number next to the relevant document, type the new number REMEMBER to consider the purpose of the section and the sequence in which the evidence will be presented at the hearing when you sequence your documents
  • How do I download the index and the document bundle on CaseLines?
    * Click Bundles * Click Refresh all bundles * Click Download next to the relevant bundle * Click Download Complete Bundle to download everything * Click Download Bundle index to download the index only
  • How do I know what the judge sees on CaseLines?
    Click Review to see what the judge will see on his / her screen
  • How do I add notes to CaseLines?
    * Click Review * Click Notes * Click Add a Case Note * Type the note on the Edit Case Note Screen * Select Private note, Shared Group Note, Widely Shared Note * Click Save
  • How do I add annotations / hyperlinks to CaseLines?
    * Click Sections * Click View Documents next to the relevant section * Click View next to the relevant document * Select Hyperlink * Select the page * Click at the place on the page where the annotation or hyperlink must be added * Click OK * Select Document page as hyperlink type * Enter a description * Select the relevant section from the dropdown list * Select the relevant document from the dropdown list * Select the relevant page from the dropdown list * Click Save * Click Remove to remove * Click Edit to edit
  • How do I create a hearing-specific bundle?
    * Go to Bundles * Click Create New Bundle * Under Index, type a bundle number using the format 02, 03, 04 etc. * Under name, type the hearing date followed by the nature of the hearing using the format yyyy/mm/dd/nature of hearing * Click Save * Click Sections to add/remove sections and documents from Bundle 01 Master bundle to the Hearing-Specific bundle. * A list of all the sections under Bundle 01 Master bundle will display. * Click Add to include a section in the Hearing-specific bundle . * Click Allow document upload and delete * Click Include documents by default * Click Document * Click Edit next to the document description * Click Excluded to exclude the documents that are not relevant to the specific hearing * Click Update to change the bundle number or description * Click Refresh to repaginate the bundle * Click Download to download the bundle * Click Settings to change the paginations settings of the bundle
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